Title: Rock Of The 80s Volume Two
Label: Cema Special Products
TTime: 42:20
Notes: None
Paid : $6
Rank : 2 out of 5.

Track Listing
Title                                  Artist(s)
-=-=-                                  -=-=-=-=-
Destination Unknown                    Missing Persons
Really Saying Something                Fun Boy Three
Turning Japanese                       The Vapors
The Politics Of Dancing                Re-Flex
I'm Not Perfect                        Grace Jones
(What) In The Name Of Love             Naked Eyes
Let's Go All The Way                   Sly Fox
The Mexican                            Jellybean
Bette Davis Eyes                       Kim Carnes
Walk The Dinosaur                      Was (Not Was)

        A lot of crap fills out this disc.  The biggest insult is the
inclusion of Sly Fox after they already had it on the first disc, which
had I realized at the time, I wouldn't have purchased this disc.  The
songs by the recognizable groups on here weren't really popular (and for
a reason).  The only bright light on here is the song "Walk The Dinosaur"
which hardly, if ever, appears on compilations (why I don't know).

Compilation Review Listings:
[A-D] [E-I] [J-R] [S-Z] [Rhino's] [Rock 80's] [Soundtracks] [Videos]
[Oblivion] [Flashback] [Sedated] [Time Life] [Rolling Stone's] [Christmas] [Vendors]