Cereal of the Eighties, Swedish Chef cereal
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I can't even remember what these taste like. The box was awesome though. It had the Swedish Chef from "The Muppet Show" and had crazy stuff all over the box.
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The following are comments left about Swedish Chef cereal from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

JRL - July 31, 2009 - Report this comment
That would be Cröonchy Stars cereal.
Accordion Noir Radio - August 02, 2009 - Report this comment
It was not a very good cereal, but the box was the most surreal commercial product I have ever seen. It had games for the kids like mazes with no solution, and random farm animal names mixed in with the ingredients. Fabulous. I think there were about four different boxes. Collect them all!
Frankie - April 09, 2010 - Report this comment
I believe the swedish chef was the mascot for smore's cereal. i wasn't aware he had his own. i thought the premise of the commercial was he is mixing a bunch of things in the kitchen, and has another accident and thus we have smore's..anyone? i could be wrong.
rochelle - August 12, 2010 - Report this comment
I tell my friends about this cereal all the time . . . it had a light cinnamon flavor to it and it wasn't overly sweet like everything else was back then. It's still my favorite cereal to this day. It wasn't on the market very long, but who knows, I was a kid . . .
Amy - October 26, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember this cereal very well. My brother and I throw a fit to get this cereal and it was awful, but we had to eat it because we spent so much time trying to convince our mom to buy it. I don't know if she ever knew we hated it. Loved the chef though
Stacy - April 06, 2011 - Report this comment
THANK YOU!!! I was telling my husband and 8yr old son about this cereal, but I could never remember the name of it or the chef. I just told them that it had the chef from the muppets on the box and it was cinnamon flavored puffed stars lol. It was out when the Muppets were big on TV. I always had my mom buy this stuff, especially cereal, that was new. I remember she bought this cereal a few times because I liked the show and the box, but HATED how the cereal tasted lol. I love this site, it makes me smile when I come across something like this, those were the good old days, huh?!
Steve - December 11, 2013 - Report this comment
It was an enigmatic joke on the cereal box that torments me to this day because I know I've misremembered it and only half of it. It is something like "How many pancakes does it take to put a doghouse together?..." I hope someone can share the rest...

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