Clothes of the Eighties, Concert Shirts
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Sex: Both
Type of clothing: Clothes
When it was popular: 1978-85
Description: A tight t-shirt, usually for heavy metal or glam rock bands. They were usually white, witha darker coloured sleeve which was sewn on a diagonal angle. For some reason most of them seem to be maroon or black. Trim around neck matches sleeve.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Concert Shirts from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Bluehen1993 - August 19, 2009 - Report this comment
Of course all concerts shirts must be worn the day after the show!!! It was a must
Jan Griffiths - January 17, 2011 - Report this comment
Forget the day after;the day of! When I went to a show, I would buy a concert shirt,and rush to the restroom to change into it immediately.
Tonya B - October 23, 2011 - Report this comment
I have a box full of every concert tee I ever bought!! 80's METAL RULZ! I remember the first concert I went to and my parents wouldn't buy me a t-shirt, I was so pissed! I was like, How are my friends gonna know I was here? So I took my ticket stub to school the next day. Just wasn't the same though. I never did get a Quiet Riot T-shirt!
LaSponge - March 31, 2020 - Report this comment
In 84 or 85 I found a Rush "Grace Under Pressure" t-shirt in the park. It was well worn and too big for me but I wore it all summer. I cut the neckline so I could wear one-shouldered which was popular at the time. Got me a lot of attention from guys...esp fans of Rush. I was more of a Prince/Culture Club/Stevie Nicks fan but did ❤ "Tom Sawyer"...

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