Clothes of the Eighties, Dummy Necklaces
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Sex: Female
Type of clothing: Accesories
When it was popular: 89
Description: Necklaces made of a black / coloured cord with a plastic coloured dummy on, later came plastic dolphins as well.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Dummy Necklaces from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

WelcomeToMyNightmare - April 07, 2010 - Report this comment
when i went to school in the 90s i remember my older sister wearing hers but it wasn't plastic it was made of glass she also had one in plastic i also remember other kids who had some around there necks.
LoopyLou - September 15, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember the plastic dummy craze, I wore these in about 1990/91. I used to collect these and had about five on one piece of cord!

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