Clothes of the Eighties, Jams by Surfline
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Sex: M
Type of clothing: bright multi-colored boxer swim trunks
When it was popular: 1985-1986
Description: Brightly colored tropical-themed boxer style cotton swimming trucks with a drawstring. These were originally seen in beach movies of the 1960s and were revived in the mid-1980s. These cost around each and spawned a slew of imitators, although the only ones that were anywhere near as cool as the trademark Jams were the Ocean Pacific trunks. Trunks weren't sold under the Jams by Surline label by the late 80s, but they ushered in the surfing influence on men's swimwear and summer casual wear that has never gone away, and banished Speedo and other bikini style swimsuits to the domain of Eurotrash and homosexuals. Since the days of Jams boxer style trunks are the choice of virtually all straight American males.
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white and pure - June 27, 2009 - Report this comment
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children!

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