Clothes of the Eighties, Birkenstocks
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Sex: unisex
Type of clothing: shoes
When it was popular: 1975-1992
Description: Cork-soled suede 2-buckle hippie sandals, came in many colors, usually paired with "crazy" socks or toe socks, most popular among hippies, heads/"druggies", and the older "hello Kitty" crowd. Phenomenon known as "rocks-in-Stocks" occurred when walking on unpaved terrain, "sloshy-socks" when wet. Maintainence required frequent re-corking of soles, creative washing to remove foot stench.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Birkenstocks from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

kent - October 16, 2008 - Report this comment
you got the "when it was popular" dates wrong. birkenstocks came back into fashion in '89-90 and stayed popular throughout the 90's. the 80s were a relatively closed-toe decade.
creamaura - March 26, 2013 - Report this comment
Wide-bed were awesome, they stopped making them, can't find them now :( The footbed has dried out wear'rs foot soles! Thats the only problem. Swade footbed, not so gooda'
Shelly - August 27, 2016 - Report this comment
1977- on... Very popular!! We all wore basic open-toed tan two-strap Birkenstocks sandals. Very expensive, but felt great & lasted for years! I'm in my mid-50s & still love wearing them! :0)
Dean - April 16, 2022 - Report this comment
As others here are saying, this was a style that came in at the very end of the eighties, when it was a revival of seventies styles that continued through the nineties.

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