Clothes of the Eighties, Ruffle Shirt
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Sex: Female
Type of clothing: Blouse
When it was popular: 1983-85
Description: A ladies blouse that had ruffles over both shoulders and down the front of the button placket. Sometimes had two diagonal rows of buttons down both sides of the front and a ruffle running up each side.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Ruffle Shirt from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

STacey - July 18, 2007 - Report this comment
I can't believe I'm going to admit to having one of these.
Jt62786 - January 21, 2009 - Report this comment
I think have one in my summer tote bin in my closet on top.
AMG in NY - May 11, 2009 - Report this comment
I had several ruffled shirts that I wore. There were variations, some had ruffles only along the neckline, one had a ruffle going vertically down the left and right sides of the front, one with short ruffled puffs at the armhole, on top of the long sleeves, and at the cuffs. The ultimate was the shirt with ruffles in all of those places! Funny how I thought they were so fashionable.
Kris - October 13, 2010 - Report this comment
I had several of these- you could get them in just about any color! My favorite was one I had in an army green color. Very popular in 1982-1983. They were hard to iron and never looked as good after you've washed them. Once in High School, my Grandmother was staying with us. I asked her to iron my Army green ruffle shirt-- and I tell you it looked brand new after she was finished with it. Yeah for Grandma!
Lisa Koffler - January 15, 2011 - Report this comment
I only wore ruffles in the center of my clothes.
clara - March 17, 2011 - Report this comment
They are in style now thanks to Prince and Jerry Seinfeld for bringing them back. Yeah I had one that was short sleeved. Lots of ruffles in the front. Had to wear them with culottes.

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