Clothes of the Eighties, "Poodle" perms
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The following are comments left about "Poodle" perms from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

val - November 25, 2008 - Report this comment
I had a hairdresser do it to me. All I wanted was a basic perm with hair a bit straight at he top. She cut it so I looked like a poodle It poofed on the top. omg I was horrified.
Jenny - April 05, 2009 - Report this comment
My friend and I both got home perms...I TOLD her not to do her bangs, lol...I refused to do my bangs so I was saved from getting a true poodle perm.
Dot - October 17, 2009 - Report this comment
I'm an 80's kid and my mom is a baby boomer. She still wears these perms despite the fact that I done told her a million times that it is outta style. She swears lotsa teenage girls STILL get spiral perms so it must be in style. Val, there was girl that got one like yours at the salon when I was there in 89. She was crying and her Tony Danza like dad brought her into this salon to fix what another salon did. The girl's older sis was cracking up and kept calling her Richard Simmons! The dad told her to shut up. I think we all had a bad do from a salon.
Roberta - December 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I loved my spiral perm! It was all so prissy and precise lol
Jan Griffiths - February 13, 2010 - Report this comment
I still have my spiral rods, but now my hair is nearly 4 feet long, and trying to do this now just won't work. I think they still look great. My mother-in-law used to do mine for me.
Angela - January 02, 2011 - Report this comment
I always got perms from my mom when I was about age 8-12 (in the 80's). She usually did an Olgive home perm and gosh that stuff stunk terribly! That was the worst part, the smell of perm solution. Mine looked good to me back then but I am so glad perms went out of style! I'm also glad I gave them up by high school, so I don't have an embarrassing senior photo (class of 1995) like some of my friends!

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