Clothes of the Eighties, SanFrancisco Riders
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Sex: Female
Type of clothing: Jeans
When it was popular: 1980 - 1982
Description: They were wide legged and had a design on the back pockets.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about SanFrancisco Riders from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Mrs. Bingman - May 27, 2009 - Report this comment
Hey- if anyone knows how to get a hold of these jeans, or can confirm that they are no longer made, please post and let me know! Thanks a bunch!
SFTransplant - July 25, 2013 - Report this comment
Wow. Only one comment on these pants. I was poor so my Mom always got me "Toughskins". They were from Sears I think. Horrible pants. But I remember a kid named Brett that I went to highschool with. He was perceived as "rich". He had black corduroy bell bottoms that were SF Riding Gear. I was so envious. He made me feel even more underprivilaged.AND he held hands with all the girls I had crushes on. That bastard!
Arlene - August 05, 2013 - Report this comment
I was also "poor" lol. Hey it was the Regan years what do you expect! I did finally get some SF Jeans at a seconds store, I thought I was the bomb after that. Remember Pony hightops?? and McEnroe Nike's? Cant forget the Nike nylon shorts either. Of course I came from Nike country, Beaverton, Oregon so we were on it before anyone else. Miss those days!

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