Food of the Eighties, Fun Fruits
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Sunkist made these little fruit chews. The originals were the best before they became real chewy. They even sold grape or strawberry in their own packs!
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Fun Fruits from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

jubei - June 18, 2007 - Report this comment
These were great! They tasted just like grape juice and had the best waxy consistancy. This was before moms really bought their kids fruit snacks. If you could talk her into buying you these your were singing all the way home from the store.
Manny Calavera - January 23, 2008 - Report this comment
Aaron Neville always looked like he had a fun fruit stuck to his cheek...
acj - January 31, 2008 - Report this comment
I used to carry these with me on bike rides with my friends. We would play superheroes and these were our "power pellets".
Reb76 - July 10, 2008 - Report this comment
Me and my friend would use the fun fruits with the board game Frogger. Whenever you landed on a fly, you got to eat a fun fruit!
Jesse - February 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Fun Fruits, Quackers, and Fruit Wrinkles were my favorite snacks growing up. (Nehi Peach was my favorite drink)
Jean - March 20, 2010 - Report this comment
OMG, I loved Fun Fruits. I need some right now! My sister and I used to put them on our nails as "Lee's Press-on Nails" (LOL) and then eat them. LMAO @ the Aaron Neville comment! Remember the yogurt covered ones? Mmm mmm
kat - April 18, 2010 - Report this comment
These were the BEST! No one hsa made a fruit snack that good since Fun Fruits. And yes, the yogurt ones were super delicious too! Sunkist-bring them back!
Cat - April 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Hey Kat, it's a new cat. Go over to the Dutch Mill dontus site on Got some really big time Dutch Mill dontus fans. If you like those fruit snacks, grow up and talk about the best donuts ever
jc - June 02, 2010 - Report this comment
oh my,...these were the best tasting things ever! dissapointed they don't sell them anymore:(
Julian - February 15, 2011 - Report this comment
When I look back on my childhood, I'm kind of vaguely horrified about how many of the snacks I ate had absolutely no redeeming nutritional value at all, and most of the ones with the word "fruit" in the name had little if any fruit. I also can't help being nostalgic about them, though, because they were so good! I used to take them out on bike rides, too, and eat them while riding around the neighbourhood. (And I think I made up a game where they had some kind of magic power, but I can't really remember what it was...)
laurel - May 01, 2011 - Report this comment
oh, it's so satisfying to know I'm not crazy. No one else in my family remembers the yogurt covered ones. I miss them so much!
JRL - December 08, 2011 - Report this comment
These were the best part of my lunch at school, every day. The ones in the goofy shapes had a different texture that were never as good as the plain, original, pellets. And, yes, the Yogurt Supremes were awesome.
Steve - May 12, 2012 - Report this comment
I miss the original fruit pellets sooo much. Please bring them back. The snacks they have now are gross. My friends and I always had them after play time outside, this was over 20years ago. I would buy them for my kids today if they made them still :-(
Missy - January 29, 2013 - Report this comment
Fun Fruits Were Actually Made By Heidi Co. (Makekers Of Jujifruits and jujubees). My Father Worked For Them And Brought Home 2 10 Lb Bags Of Them. I Used To Puthandfuls InA Ziploc For School Each Day. So Freakin Yummy.
Charlie - January 15, 2014 - Report this comment
We're talking about the Sunkist ones which came out in 86 or 87 and were available in cherry, strawberry, grape, and orange
Fun fruit fan! - April 29, 2016 - Report this comment
I've been searching and searching for my childhood favorite food... Soo sad they don't make them anymore :( :( BRING THEM BACK!! Gushers are the closes things I've found but nothing like the original fun fruit. Forget all those fruit funnies out there now - way too bland!
Tanya - March 10, 2019 - Report this comment
I MISS FUN FRUITS SOOOOO MUCH!! Sunkist please bring these original fruit snack pellets of yours back!! I would by them by the case😁
Sparkina - January 06, 2021 - Report this comment
Those were PLENTY OF TASTY 😋 Like jellybeans but with a bolder flavor, a fruity taste that knocked you sideways with its fruitiness

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