Food of the Eighties, Pizzaria's
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Dorito rip-offs that tasted like pizza. They had a couple different flavors named after different pizza toppings
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The following are comments left about Pizzaria's from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

WILLIAM GOERLITZ - August 20, 2007 - Report this comment
Nicki - August 24, 2007 - Report this comment
there is a petition to bring them back... sign it www.petitiononline.comp349823/petition.html
Chrissy - September 06, 2007 - Report this comment
I loved these chips, too! As I recall they were made from dough instead of being corn-based. They were delicious. I can't help but think with as snack obsessed as our society is today that Pizzarias could make a comeback!
lindsey - December 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Those were so good, delicious!!!
Taryn - February 26, 2008 - Report this comment
Those were my favorite chips ever! So much better than Doritos. I wish they would come back.
Maureen - February 28, 2008 - Report this comment
Pizzaria's were totally awesome! I wish they would come back! How long have they been gone? I miss them.
Wardy - March 20, 2008 - Report this comment
They just started distributing the chips again. I don't know if they are exactly alike, but they're produced by the inventure group and I ordered 75 bags online. They come in next week, hopefully they're as close to the real thing as possible.
Texas 80's craver - April 22, 2008 - Report this comment
Yeah,I think they tasted better than the Dorito's Pizza Cravers that came out in the 1990's.
pnutbutterprincess82 - July 08, 2008 - Report this comment
simply the best
Gladys - August 15, 2008 - Report this comment
i LOVED pizzarias!! they were better than doritos...u couldn't get them in canada so whenever my family and i would go down to the states i would buy tons of bags!!
Matt - August 22, 2008 - Report this comment
Even though they tasted nothing like pizza, I loved them!
misty - September 21, 2008 - Report this comment
These were amazing chips! They were kinda lighter than a dorito. I grew up in Detroit and would always make my dad get them for me at the party store.
Vegasgal20 - September 25, 2008 - Report this comment
I used to eat an entire bag of these missed chips...i wish they would bring back the original recipe. i think there were only 2 flavors...cheese and pepperoni...both of which were YUMMY!!! Does anyone know who made these "great" snack foods?
Judd Nelson's Nostrils - September 26, 2008 - Report this comment
We got em in the vending machines at work now...we call 'em Diarrias.
Troy - September 27, 2008 - Report this comment
Based on the above comment about inventure group, and the only thing I found close where TGIF restaurant brand pizza chips, someone looks at them, are these the same thing with a new package?
amy - November 01, 2008 - Report this comment
these were the best chips ever! i haven't tried the tgif chips. i'll have to keep an eye out for them.
Erik - January 04, 2009 - Report this comment
I Created The Group, You Are All Invited To Join My Group, Go To and join, and please stay
Hope - March 22, 2009 - Report this comment
The TGIF pizza chips are the exact same thing but in a different shape. What a flashback!
Debbie - May 14, 2009 - Report this comment
I LOVED these chips! They were made by Keebler. Those crazy elves :o)
blueyedevil - June 04, 2009 - Report this comment
One of my all-time favorite junk foods. The last time I had them, I found a bag in a small grocery store in Rochester, NY in 1998. They had probably been there since the 80s. Are they really back? Where's Wardy with an update?
blueyedevil - June 08, 2009 - Report this comment
I found the TGIFridays pizza chips at the gas station up the street, and I'll be damned- they're almost the real thing. They're a little thicker than the Pizzarias, but it's the same taste. Huzzah!
Alisha - July 18, 2009 - Report this comment
My husband's family owns some stores and they still have these. He brings them home occasionally. He said they're going to discontinue them soon.
Tori - August 17, 2009 - Report this comment
Does anyone know how to find the origional packaging? It has been bugging me for weeks, I can remember it from when I was a kid but I cant find it anywhere online.
Jon - August 29, 2009 - Report this comment
The pizzeria chips made by Keebler are different than the ones Inventure came out with under TGIF Pizza chips. The originals came in cheese, pepperoni, and supreme. They were the best, they need to come out with the "real" ones again.
tiffany - November 14, 2009 - Report this comment
tgif pizza chips do taste like pizzarias but are not as good. i have signed the petition to bring em back and lets just keep our fingers crossed!!
Lannie - March 29, 2010 - Report this comment
I once ate an entire bag of those when I was 5 or 6...puked my guts up. I am allergic to corn, so pizzarias were my thing! I kid you not!
80sBaby - April 10, 2010 - Report this comment
I don't remember the packaging looking like the photo posted, but I do remember a product by the same name. To this very day, I miss Pizzarias! Those things were delicious and I really wish they'd return to store shelves.
loved them - August 05, 2010 - Report this comment
I remember the packages being pearly white and having a slice of pizza on the front could be wrong though.
Brandy - August 31, 2010 - Report this comment
These were the best things ever just thinking about them bring back good childhood memories!!!
johne - September 01, 2010 - Report this comment
I loved these chips in the early 90s, particularly the Pepperoni flavored one. The ones I remembered looked nothing like the picture on this web page- they came in a predominantly white package with some kind of pizza graphic/icon/theme in the middle. The type, either cheese, pepperoni, or supreme was in a badge/icon on the lower left in a yellow, red, or green background respectfully. It wasn't very prominent, I can remember that I would occasionally end up at home with a bag of cheese or supreme, even though I wanted and thought I picked up the pepperoni ones. Also, the chips were distinctly "Dorito / Triangly" shaped, not round. The fact that they were made from "Real Pizza Dough!" gave them a taste and texture unlike any other chip. They were incredible. A few weeks ago I came across the T.G.I. Fridays "Cheese Pizza" chips and had what could only be described as a religious epiphany in the middle of the store. That's how much I loved the original chips. I'm 37 years old now and there I was, excited as a school kid buying these chips. I literally raced home, waiting to rip open the chips. Got home, said screw everything else, and tore in to them with excitement. Definitely not quite the same thing, and a bit saltier than I would like, but they're now me favorite snack. So much so that it inspired me to go hunting to see if I could find the "real thing".
ckv - January 07, 2012 - Report this comment
They must still make these. I never had them when i was a kid, but they had them in the vending machine at my previous job (last year). Never tried them there either.
kara - December 03, 2012 - Report this comment
These chips were the best thing ever!! I was so happy when my dad wld have these for my sister and I after school. I wouldn't even let my sister really have any. Yes I was very greedy when it came to pizzarias. I cld eat the whole bag in one sitting and not even care. I wish they wld come back and taste exactly the same as they did back then. I don't understand how these chips didn't make it.
Charlie - April 02, 2014 - Report this comment
I don't think these came out until 1991
Raven Black - September 15, 2015 - Report this comment
I loved them...the taste & smell..I believe one of the best chips made. Yes in pizza form...please bring them back!!!
Troy - December 19, 2015 - Report this comment
Yes I am the same Troy from the post on September 27, 2008! Go and find the "Cheetos Poppers Cheese Pizza Waffle Rounds!" THEY TASTE JUST LIKE THE PIZZERIAS CHIPS! The only difference is the texture since it is a lot lighter and puffier, but it is the same flavor!!!
Cosmo - September 09, 2017 - Report this comment
Pizzaria's were absolutely the tastiest snack chip ever made. I wish Keebler would bring them back.

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