Food of the Eighties, Whitney's Yogurt
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Creamy, thick yogurt with fruit on the bottom. The commercials made this yogurt look high-class and decadent (this was the eighties, you know!) It was a little expensive but very good!
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The following are comments left about Whitney's Yogurt from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Julian - February 15, 2011 - Report this comment
I loved this yogurt. What happened to it is one of the great mysteries of my life. The last time I remember seeing it in stores was in the mid-90s when I was in high school. I remember liking the fancy-looking cups it came in when it was first introduced, and saving them at one point to paint and use as pencil holders-- they just looked too nice to throw out.
Jill - March 26, 2011 - Report this comment
Whitney's Yogurt kept my daughter from losing weight as a child. She was ill often with what was diagnosed later as H.Pylori. Until then, it was difficult to keep her healthy and growing. Whitney's Yogurt was the perfect thing to add to her diet. What made this yogurt dissappear from the market was that people became aware of it's high fat content and high caloric amounts. It lost popularity from this and eventually was removed altogether. Thankfully during this time my daughter was properly diagnosed, treated, and no longer kept losing weight. Whitney's Yogurt was made from cream and whole milk making it one of the most fattening yogurts out there. I honestly think my daughter's health would have become far worse without it!
Jennifer - April 13, 2011 - Report this comment
Till this day i have not found a yogart that tasted as good as Whitney's - I guess it is because of the cream and whole milk. That would make sense. Why would something healthy taste that good? RIP Whitney's yogart.
Elaine - September 22, 2011 - Report this comment
Oh yes, this yogurt was delicious! I guess once all the companies jumped on the low fat/fat free bandwagon, Whitney's went the way of the dodo bird. We miss you Whitney's....
Kevin - September 26, 2011 - Report this comment
It's unanimous. It was amazing yogurt. I also remember that they caught some heat for not having the same amount of serving as noted on the package. At the same time, I was buying Louis Sherry ice cream. Nobody has made yogurt or ice cream that good since.
Boccaccio - October 27, 2011 - Report this comment
Lived on and thought I would died on this yogurt. There will never be another yogurt that tastes like this. We will all miss you Whitney's, R.I.P.
LEAH - February 22, 2012 - Report this comment
I loved that yogurt! I just tried greek yogurt YEEK! It made me think about how good Whitney's yogurt was. Just reinforces my belief that healthy stuff tastes crappy.
Tommy B - March 01, 2012 - Report this comment
Whitney's apple raisin yogurt was the best. It was better and more satisfying than eatting desert! I wish it would come back. Sooo amazingly good.
yum - March 18, 2012 - Report this comment
Apple raisin yogurt was my favorite treat, I would die happy if that came back. I agree it was better than most traditional desserts!
Heidi - April 17, 2012 - Report this comment
The lemon flavor was my favorite yogurt as a kid. It was so good!
Rob - June 10, 2012 - Report this comment
It was like yogurt mousse
Ed - June 13, 2012 - Report this comment
The only yogurt currently being sold that reminds me of Whitney's is Noosa. It's made from whole milk, and has a thick texture, like Whitney's. But it's expensive -- $2.50 for an 8 oz. tub.
Charlie - July 15, 2012 - Report this comment
Totally remember eating this high-class yogurt in the 80's with its huge chunks of fruit. They have a great commercial of it on youtube.
Dairy Shelf stocker of the eighties - September 28, 2012 - Report this comment
I stocked this yogurt at the Stop&Shop in Cohasset Ma. It was wonderful stuff. Thick and creamy like never seen again. It had great flavors,.. but the yogurt was so amazing I'd find myself just eating to the fruit.. then eating the fruit as it was high quality too... I loved this stuff and enjoyed hundreds of them. Nothing like it, sad its gone. The distinctive yellowy/beige cups came in special cases to ensure they stood up through shipping. I would order extras of it and make sure it was well stocked. All of the other yogurts were far behind and losing ground in the quality race. Whitney's was it, a true legendary product of the highest quality. Quality so high, the obesity problem in America took it down. BTW, I am 8% Body fat and in good shape, its about exercise as much as it is about diet. Nobody said eat three Whitneys yogurts,.. but some do because its so darn good.
leslie - October 29, 2012 - Report this comment
try siggi's just as good, but lower in fat higher in protein
Robbo - November 09, 2012 - Report this comment
It was the best I've ever tasted. The only yogurt I would eat plain. Wish they would reintroduce it.
Jay - December 02, 2012 - Report this comment
I worked for Whitney's as a sample girl, when I had lived in Tipton Indiana. I hated yogurt with a passion, but loved Whitney's. I do not eat yogurt because it tastes like cardboard. Even the "Greek" yogurt tastes terrible. I keep trying but until they can make it taste as good as Whitney's yogurts, I will never like any of them.
Madge - January 18, 2013 - Report this comment
Whitney's was the first yogurt I found that I really liked and wanted to eat because it was good, not just because it was yogurt and supposed to be good for you. I have tried other yogurts since Whitney's went off the shelf, but none were up to par. But recently I've found one that comes close - Muller frut up. It has the same thick creaminess as Whitneys. It doesn't come in as many flavors as Whitney's, but I'm eating yogurt again.
Barbara - January 19, 2013 - Report this comment
Apple Raisin was the best!
Elissa - April 16, 2013 - Report this comment
I agree with all the taking yogurt ever...My favorite was the pina colada, miss it!!!
Tommy from Brooklyn - May 16, 2013 - Report this comment
Back in the 80's (when I was in my late teens/early 20's), my friends and I would eat this stuff after we got home from the discos. It was better than dessert !!! It was so rich and creamy. And yes, the fuit on the bottom was really good quality. I think the apple raisin was my favorite, followed by the pina colada. Delicious !!! Bryer's brand with the fruit on the bottom was also good. I haven't seen Bryer's around in the last few years either.
trisha bklyn ny - May 25, 2013 - Report this comment
This was the best yougurgrab onewish they bring ir back ar the store
Charlie - June 15, 2013 - Report this comment
Trisha, were you drunk when you posted? lol
Sharon Lewis - August 22, 2013 - Report this comment
I remember I was at Costco buying this rich and creamy yogurt the yellow cup was so classy.Vanilla was oh so good! Good memories...
PENSACOLA E. CAMPER - August 23, 2013 - Report this comment
"I just LOVED Whitney's PINA COLADA yogurt!!!! I STILL miss it!!!!"
JuneMoonSpoon - August 23, 2013 - Report this comment
Whitney's was the first yogurt that I actually liked. Maybe because it tasted more like pudding, but whatever, it was great!!!
TeddyZ - August 28, 2013 - Report this comment
Something happened with them, where there were needles in the yogurt. There was a national recall, then when they came back something about they didn't give you 5 oz in a container. Shortly after that it was gone.
Judi - October 13, 2013 - Report this comment
Chocolate was the best, miss it.
Fred S - October 18, 2013 - Report this comment
Whitney's was the best. I used to eat from the top without mixing until I started to see some fruit, then mixed, then ate the rest. I was a lonely kid.
Marge - November 06, 2013 - Report this comment
Loved the lemon.Wish it would come back.Did another company buy it?
joe - November 30, 2013 - Report this comment
I loved Whitney's coffee yogurt. It was creamy and had a great taste from the whole milk and it also contained eggs, which no other yogurt had.
Elton Powell - January 22, 2014 - Report this comment
I was NEVER a yogurt eater 'till one day I tried Whitney's plain yogurt about 1980. Then I only ate Whitney's. Most any flavor , though I preferred the plain. Unless they bring it back, I just won't eat yogurt again. They taste like s--t; all of them.
Kenny - February 24, 2014 - Report this comment
By far the best yogurt ever.
Patrick - March 19, 2014 - Report this comment
The lemon Yogurt they made was unbeleivable!
Jack - April 10, 2014 - Report this comment
I remember Whitney's Yogurt. It was the best. It's a shame that it just disappeared from the shelves. It put other yogurts to shame. RIP.
Dian - April 14, 2014 - Report this comment
If we could only bring it back. I bet it would take off all over againThere are a lot of people that don't care about fat content and calories and all that stuff. BRING IT BACK !!!! (please)vms
Jazzi - May 24, 2014 - Report this comment
I was thinking about this while eating a cobani yogurt. So i had to search for it to find out what happened. I was saying to myself that Whitneys yogurt was the greek yogurt of the early 80s. But after reading some comment there is one huge different between the two. Greek yogurt is vrry healthy for you but it sounds Whitneys was very fattening and maybe its demized to taking it off the market. I was also a Whitneys apple and raison fan raison one toy similiar now
DonW-NYC - August 31, 2014 - Report this comment
This Greek yogurt fad is just that, a fad. I personally think it sucks. It is soooo thick and NOT creamy. Dannon and breyers with the fruit on the bottom are the best by today's standards. It really blows that they are in 6 oz containers and that's just the American consumer getting screwed as usual. Just like the ice cream cartons. Anyway, Whitney's was and will always be the king of yogurts. Nothing compares and nothing ever will. I have been trying to see what happened to them to no avail. It's too bad former execs can't see these posts cause if they did, Whitney's would be on the shelf by tomorrow
Kevin - November 07, 2014 - Report this comment
I worked in the Dairy department of a food store called Super Fresh in Ocean City, Maryland when Whitney's Yogurt was first introduced. The reps would give us cases of samples to try. Every flavor was amazing! It was just as good as any ice cream I've ever had.
Jacqui - January 12, 2015 - Report this comment
I lived on Whitney's in college. It was soondelicious. I still remember the carton and the amazing flavors. I loved the apple raise n, vanilla and pina colada. I've often wondered what happened to it. I can taste it's creamy goodness now. I also remember anothr brand that came in a ckear cup. They had a passionfruit flavor that was amazing. Darn the low-fat diet fools!
Quiliae - July 16, 2015 - Report this comment
I have one of the old plastic containers from 1985 I believe with no yogurt of course found in storage. If anyone is looking to collect the containers do let me know I'll be selling it on ebay soon. For photos please email:
donna - September 24, 2015 - Report this comment
Now that we have computers, I found out about Whitney's yogurt and I miss it so much...The best yogurt ever and I bought so much of it every week as it was better than ice cream. Sad that the store shelves are so full of yogurts that are NOT fit to eat,,,, Please bring back my Whitney's Yogurt !!!!! No high fructose corn syrup, No fillers...Just pure goodness :)
Jess - November 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Oh wow, my mom used to buy this yogurt all the time! I loved it, especially the lemon and vanilla flavors. Great stuff.
Mike - February 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Whitney's was made with whole milk and cream. Apparently they stopped production when companies started pushing low fat yogurts made with skim milk and peoples trend toward healthier eating took over, which resulted in lower sales. I recently discovered Noosa Yoghurt which is made with whole milk and cane sugar. So while it's higher in fat and calories, it tastes much better. It is very similar to the old Whitney's. Google Noosa Yoghurt to find out where you can buy it.
Theresa - February 25, 2016 - Report this comment
I love and miss this yogurt as well, but good news whitneys lovers... I just had to try Stoney field farms oh my yog! And it's Is as tasty as whitneys! I swear the first thing I thought of when it hit my tongue was whitneys. This was strawberry, I just had blueberry, and it was also very good, but not quite whitneys. It is a cream on top, yogurt, fruit on bottom, so that is probably why it tastes the same.
Keith B - April 19, 2016 - Report this comment
My mom used to work for Kozy Shack pudding back in the 80's, and they used to distribute Whitney's yogurt in the NYC area. My friends and I would go through CASES of Whitney's monthly, before the health nazis went and spoiled the fun and killed sales of this amazing tasting product. Of course none of us were overweight, because as soon as the munching was over, we would GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY! WHAT A CONCEPT! Anyway, the lemon flavor was to die for, and they definitely need to bring it or something like it back to market.
Mike A. - March 29, 2017 - Report this comment
I remember being a little kid in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn around 1983 and being pushed to eat this stuff. I hated yogurt, but when I saw the fancy cup I gave it a try and thought it was fantastic. We had it all the time for years and it vanished. Too bad. I'd love to try it again. It was like the "Haagen Daz," of yogurts. I'd even enjoy seeing an empty cup again.
Jafafa Hots - April 21, 2017 - Report this comment
My friend was the night security guard at the place that made this yogurt. He gave me so much of it for free... mostly cherry, my favorite. I'd visit him in the guard booth some nights and we'd hang out... they had all the free yogurt you wanted to eat in fridges inside. I went through cases and cases of the stuff, never paid a cent for it.
J g - July 21, 2017 - Report this comment
I've been wondering about Whitney's for a while now...Has anyone tried Liberte? It's thick, creamy and really good. Also, Emmi, which used to distribute to the New York area (though may have stopped), is also excellent. European yogurts tend to be creamier and higher in fat, so better tasting and more authentic.
Kat - August 31, 2017 - Report this comment
They need to bring Whitney's back . The best there ever was . Has to have been great for so many people to still be talking about it !!!
Jane - October 10, 2017 - Report this comment
Hello Everyone..I just ate a Yoplait Oui peach Yogurt.. and it tasted exactly like the Whitney's peach yogurt I loved. It was thick and had the fruit on the bottom. It is pretty new and it comes in glass jars, almost like baby food jars. I had the coconut last week and it was delicious. It is like the new Whitneys...YEAH!!!!!!
LaSponge - October 11, 2017 - Report this comment
Yup I've got a Yoplait Oui Black Cherry in my fridge right now...used a .50 coupon but still kinda expensive for a single yogurt...gonna try it tomorrow
Whitney C - October 12, 2017 - Report this comment
I was named this yogurt because my mom ate it during her whole pregnancy! I wish they still made it!
Carolyn M - December 06, 2017 - Report this comment
If Whitney’s yogurt was so fattening then why don’t they get rid of pudding? That’s what people loved it was made of REAL ingredients, not artificial. The consistency of custard pudding. What about the people who don’t have to worry about weight? I weigh 130 lbs on a good day. Oh that’s right the obesity problem in the USA. I really miss Whitney’s yogurt. Yoplait has nothing on them. Loved the Pina Colada especially since it was thick. Please bring it back
Sweetness - May 28, 2018 - Report this comment
For years I have been wondering what happened to this yogurt and then I found this forum. There is no yogurt on the market that even comes close to Whitney’s. We have to figure out a way to ask the manufactures to bring it back because there are many items on the market that are unhealthy and they have not been taken off the shelf let us make our own food choices!
M. Casey - July 23, 2018 - Report this comment
Just loved the Whitney’s yogurt. Ate it every day for lunch in school. Is there any chance it could make a comeback? I do so hope it can. Thank you for the memories.
Kat M - September 01, 2018 - Report this comment
I stopped eating yogurt when I could no longer find Whitney’s. When we traveled, I’d look for it in grocery stores. I’ve talked about it weekly for years til my husband bought some Oui because it was new and on sale. OMG! I thought of Whitney’s! I wondered if it was made by the same company, I Goggled and found this site.
Judi C. - September 10, 2018 - Report this comment
I've been searching for the answer to whatever happened to this company! I've been so sad since the Whitney yogurts went off the shelves. I've also tried so many different kinds, but to no avail, nothing compares! Who cares if they were high fat and high caloric, they were delicious. Apple raisin and peach were my favorite! 😩😰😤
Chris C - January 17, 2019 - Report this comment
I loved Whitney's yogurt back in the 80's for its ridiculously thick custard-like texture and great taste. (Someone several posts back said it had a mousse texture . . . what?! Whitney's was the exact opposite of an airy mousse!) Never a fan of fruit in my yogurt, I heartily enjoyed the Vanilla and Lemon flavors. I would sometimes turn the container upside down on a plate and let the whole contents come out - because it was so thick, it would till hold the shape of the container! I also thought the container was cool, as the bottom looked to me like the cylinder of a revolver pistol. I remember freezing it every so often, but I don't recall if it was more enjoyable frozen or not. Would be great if they brought it back - but as far as thick and tasty yogurts go these days, I'm a big fan of the Icelandic skyr style that has become trendy of late, with Siggi's my brand of choice.
John Jones - May 02, 2019 - Report this comment
I was probably not much of a yogurt guy, my mother used to make me eat Dannon from Way back and while it was OK it wasn't anything until I start to eat something called Whitneys. I probably had every flavor at least more than 20 times. Between Mr. T cereal, almost home cookies, and Sealtest ice cream, this was some of the best stuff I ever had in the 80s . I'm ready to submit a petition to Kellogg's asking them to bring this yogurt back on the market
Terry - July 06, 2019 - Report this comment
After graduating high school in 1981 a bunch of us went to Ocean City MD for summer break. This refrigerator truck literally pulls up to the beach where we were hanging-out. These really cool guys were promoting Whitney's yogurt. They were giving this stuff away like crazy. They handed us cases of it. Our fridge was more than half full of yogurt that week. We loved it. We lived off Whitney's yogurt that summer! Lemon was my favorite. Haven't had anything as good in nearly 40 years!
Jack Horner - July 07, 2019 - Report this comment
Never had this yogurt before. But after this cool story
NYC ENTERPRISES - November 18, 2019 - Report this comment
Who made Whitney's yougurt? I'd like to see if I can start production again. Thanks
Pamela - December 04, 2019 - Report this comment
I will miss their decaffeinated coffee yogurt forever, it was my favorite flavor. I guess the peach would be my second favorite. They really should bring this back, not everything needs to be low fat.
John - February 26, 2020 - Report this comment
I also stocked this yogurt at the stop and shop in Cohasset Ma in the 1980’s. Small world. It was decadent, the best part was the layer before the fruit that had a light fruit flavor but was still that distinct Whitney’s flavor. sooooo good. Between whip its and deli sandwiches I downed many a whitney’s. that time was kind of like the movie “go” though no entirely like it😊
Bruce - May 15, 2020 - Report this comment
And the sad thing is, it was the sugar that was/is making us fat! Not the fat content of things! The Google had almost nothing about it. Not who made it, not a history nada. Too bad. Always remembered as a kid that the little cutouts on the bottom sides fit my fingers perfectly. Things you remember.
Silvana - July 27, 2020 - Report this comment
OMG this was deee-=licious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my sudden move to America in the early 80s and inability to speak english and introversion into arts music writing sports etc made watching my fave shows on tv so much happier with this yummy yogurt . thanks to my dear grandma R.I.p> forever sweetheart hope to see you again, and my mommy for buying this, and of course my father for the $ to buy food at all.
Sparkina - October 14, 2020 - Report this comment
Oh, my stars and gardens! This was yogurt-as-delicacy! Smooth and rich and satiny yet hearty from the fruit/nut/oat inclusions. The perfect breakfast or snack! I agree with what a lot of people on here said. It was made with whole milk, and everybody and their brother-in-law’s business partner’s doctor’s dog walker started shouting around about how fats were dietary Satan
Prudence - October 15, 2020 - Report this comment
I went to Kellogg's main website and via the contact us section sent them email requesting they consider returning Whitney's yogurt to the market. I included a link to this blog. If others write and Kelloggs hears from enough of us, perhaps they will bring it back
Lystra - October 19, 2020 - Report this comment
Best tasting yogurt ever! I so miss this yogurt. I wish I still could purchase it. Nothing out there comes close. Oh how I miss you, Whitney.
Elizabeth - November 15, 2020 - Report this comment
I agree with everything being said here. Whitney’s yogurt was the best! I typically hate yogurt, but keep trying new brands until I find one that tastes good like Whitneys did. Like a few others mentioned, Oui by Yoplait tastes just like Whitney’s! It’s the first yogurt I’ve liked again since Whitney’s (and McDonalds yogurt parfait - try it, it tastes like ice cream!). I’ve had a number of the Oui yogurts and they are all delicious! I don’t mind paying a little more for a quality product that I like.
Marlanie - February 10, 2021 - Report this comment
I also loved this yogurt. I remember it was only sold at a store like Whole Foods in California. We went every week to stock up. It should of been sold at more stores like supermarkets. I knew it wasn't low in fat but I didn't care and my kids loved it. It was my choice to eat it. I wish they would bring it back. Sell it side by side with the other yogurts. It would sell very well. People loved it.
Lynne - February 25, 2021 - Report this comment
So I finally found out what happened to Whitney's. It wasn't the anti-fat craze as many have speculated. Apparently, it was discontinued because it wasn't making enough money. RIP another beloved item that I'll probably never see again. It feels like this happens to nearly every product I fall in love with. Here's the full story as I read it: I'm just noticing this comment now. I'm the former brand manager of Whitney's Yogurt. The reason it was pulled from the market was not because of a lack of popularity or because of health concerns. Whitney's was marketed by the Kellogg Company....and was manufactured for us by a dairy in upstate New York. The fact that we did not own the manufacturing facility plus the cost of the licensing agreement with the dairy prevented the Whitney's brand from achieving the margin returns required by the company. In short, it was making money ....but not enough money. The Kellogg Company pulled the plug as a result. The product was very popular and we had achieved an acceptable market share...but couldn't get past the margin requirements.
Gigi - April 18, 2021 - Report this comment
My husband and I loved this yogurt and frequently reminisce about it. Sounds like it could be marketed as a “healthy” dessert option. Please figure out how to bring it back!
Pam - January 09, 2022 - Report this comment
I'm 65 years old and from Ohio. I bought Whitney's Yogurt from Kroger back in the day. I don't remember the fat content a problem. I remember how good it tasted, and I haven't read where anyone else mentioned how it warmed their stomachs... like you knew the acidophilus was working on your digestion. I have found no yogurt that even comes close to Whitney's. Yes, Kellogg please bring it back!
Skitz - March 12, 2022 - Report this comment
Oh for God’s sake, would someone please resurrect this heavenly yogurt already?! C’mon Kelloggs!
Michele Nicole - July 11, 2023 - Report this comment
I’m 40 years old the last time I had Whitney’s yogurt I must have been like 4 and no yogurt to this day compares to Whitney’s Apple Raisin yogurt. Someone should make a documentary about this!! What the hell happened to Whitney’s yogurt?
Rory Fields - July 13, 2023 - Report this comment
What deliciousness. I mix in cinnamon and raisins to my subpar 3% yogurt and reminisce. The flavors and colors were captivating for me. Reliving the shopping experience, a delightful memory.
Zigford - September 21, 2023 - Report this comment
Yes it was good. But once I found a piece of tar in the cup, that was the end for me. It got all over my teeth and mouth (thought at first it was a raison). I was at work and just kept my tarry mouth shut. Sent it back to them inside the same cup and they responded back with a coupon. Yeah, no thanks. Guess it was better than the straight pin found inside that 2 year old’s cup. Isn’t that when it was pulled from the shelves?
Janine - February 08, 2024 - Report this comment
Just like everyone else who loved Whitney yogurt I wondered where and why it disappeared off shelves. I loved that yogurt! I just ate a Chobani, and thought of Whitney and googled to find this site. I loved all the flavors especially the peach. Nothing compares and I have tried them all. Gone are some of the best days.
Mr. Greg & The Cookies - February 11, 2024 - Report this comment
I like peach yogurt, too. So does my wife, Mrs. Cookie; our nickname. Are you for real, Zigford?! Did that really happen. That's awful. But this was a good yogurt. But I would definitely like mine without the tar. My wife would not like tar either.
stephanegeorgakarakos rock bio cuir - May 19, 2024 - Report this comment
1980s were complete decade east*coast working downtown manhanttan delivery boy used to buy albums in kingkarol & bahlsen amato cookies & of course whirtney apple raisin cherry lemon orange

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