Toys of the Eighties, Angel Bunny
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Angel Bunny was a Mattel toy from about 1984 - 86. Kind of like Teddy Beddy Bear in that there was a stuffed animal version, and then a lot of toys for very young children based around the Angel Bunny image - including a soft car seat toy, two-sided crib activity center and "Learning Sphere" plastic activity ball. I don't think Angel Bunny ever turned into a TV cartoon or anything like that.
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The following are comments left about Angel Bunny from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Kristen - January 14, 2012 - Report this comment
I had the bath toy. It was a boat and it had four different shapes in it which corresponded with the shape of each animal's base. There were a rabbit, lion, bear, and...I don't recall the last one. Only that it was blue or purple. Must have been a dog since they have one with their plush toy line.
Crystal - May 02, 2012 - Report this comment
I remember when I was a kid having the plastic activity ball with the angel bunny inside of it and other animals and I also had the stuffed animal "Angel Bunny" with gold wings! I loved that toy so much lol I was upset when I lost them :( ohhh to be a kid again! lol good memories
Annabelle - April 06, 2014 - Report this comment
I got this for Easter when i was 6
Kristina - June 07, 2015 - Report this comment
I had the sweet, musical Peek-a-boo Angel Bunny as an infant. Although I was too young to remember, my dad took a sweet video of Mom showing Angel Bunny to me as I watched, mesmerized. Now 26 years old and a Reuge Swiss music box collector (Yes, my security blanket was a music box pillow and I have always had a music box since I was brought home from the hospital after my birth), I look back with fondness at the video and really wish I could get a musical angel bunny for my future kids. Vintage toys are the best!

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