Toys of the Eighties, Crossbows and Catapaults
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Crossbows and Catapaults game. You had a place mat with an emblem of treasure. You had to build a castle around the treasure using little plastic bricks. Each team had a crossbow, or a catapault that launched these coin-looking things at the opponent's castle. The first team to land their team's coin inside of the castle won.
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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Crossbows and Catapaults from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Tom - July 13, 2007 - Report this comment
This was my favorite game growing up!
Mike - August 28, 2007 - Report this comment
Holy crap! Finally, I went through the entire 70's section trying to find this! All I remembered was catapults and coins and my older brother's game so of course that made it even cooler
Keith - November 21, 2007 - Report this comment
I never had one of these as a child, but wanted it. I noticed it has come back again and is called "Battleground, Crossbows and Catapults". I just bought it for my son for Christmas. I can't wait to play with it.
carl - November 28, 2007 - Report this comment
I remember seeing the adverts for this and pestering my mum but when I finally got it for christmas I was so disapointed cos setting it up was great but the game was rubbish (was it just me). It looked so good but boy was it boring. It may have been the year my friend got a Commadore 64!
Man-E-Faces - January 23, 2008 - Report this comment
This ruled! Me and my brother loved this game...always wanted the add -ons with the cyclops and minataur? I think. Never could find them though.
Ryan - February 13, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember this like it was yesterday, aside from the little bricks and weapons (we went through a ton of rubber bands with those) there were also little plastic men that you could put around your castle.
Jangothreat - May 30, 2008 - Report this comment
Oh man, we would get those real thick industrial strength rubber bands and play at either side of the livingroom which was huge!!!
Eric - June 22, 2008 - Report this comment
I just saw the new version the other day and it is going to be a gift for the kids, yeah right, real soon. I played this for hours with my brother.
j - June 28, 2008 - Report this comment
I played this all the time with my brother. It was so cool. We had the cyclops and minataur too. They didn't work most of the time and we had to keep taping them together to keep them from falling apart. It did however make it a little more fun when their arms would fall off - casualties of battle I guess.
sixtus - September 26, 2008 - Report this comment
great game.The little plastic guys also did service invading lego moonbases.They were just the right size to stick a sword into a lego guy, if you sort of separated the lego guys legs from his body a little.
robby - April 16, 2009 - Report this comment
I had this game as a kid and my brother and I played for hours.. i would use the weapons on my matchbox cars too....
Dirtyredtruk - September 19, 2009 - Report this comment
I played this game with my uncle when I was a kid about 20 yrs ago. This game was so cool. Was helping my grandma set up for a garage sale and she pulled out. I had to take it home and teach my fiance!
Kimberly - December 07, 2009 - Report this comment
I played this with my brother ALL THE TIME!
KTalon - June 13, 2010 - Report this comment
I agree this was the best toy back in 84. Did anybody have the dragon? It was the best carom slinger! My older brother and his frat brothers would come over sometimes and we would have c and c wars, i was ten it was the coolest thing ever! Until somebody broke a window :P
Amanda - August 10, 2010 - Report this comment
My brother and I would spend forever playing with this one.
Shawn Freeman - September 14, 2010 - Report this comment
One of the greastest 2 plyer games ever! Building castles is awsome. This is just another example of why the eighties had the best toys.

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