Toys of the Eighties, Ewok Village
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The tree house that the Ewoks lived in - complete with an elevator, attic, and swing!
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  • Ghost Of The Doll - (report)
    Ghost Of The Doll is an ID website dedicated to toys of the 1980's and 1990's (plus a few 2000's thrown in for good measure)!

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User Stories and Comments

The following are comments left about Ewok Village from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Patrick - May 28, 2007 - Report this comment
The Ewok Village was awsome, I wish I still had my Star Wars toys.
jubei - June 18, 2007 - Report this comment
This provided hours of fun, not just limited to play with ewoks.
jOE - July 05, 2007 - Report this comment
One of the BEST playsets, EVER! My main interest is GI Joe, but the Ewok Village was the most detailed and useful playset. Working elevater, defenses (rock AND net capture), escape route, the aforementioned "attic" useful for Ewoks (or any other creature/figure) with bows. Absoluteyly amazing. Castle Greyskull is right up there with this piece.
David - November 29, 2007 - Report this comment
This was so cool, I still have mine. I remember my gramma giving it to me on Christmas eve, she was so confused as to what it was, or why I would ever want one.
rogelio - February 23, 2008 - Report this comment
it was repackaged for the robin hood toy line when robin hood w/ kevin costner came out i think they kept everything the same
Miranda - March 03, 2008 - Report this comment
Okay, I remember this! LOVED it, and I wasn't even a Star Wars fan!
Jangothreat - May 30, 2008 - Report this comment
Obviously I'm a fan. Second best star wars playset ever. The first being the death star. Trash compactor + trash compactor monster = YEEEEE-HAWWWWW!!!!
ello - October 13, 2008 - Report this comment
Holly - January 20, 2009 - Report this comment
Still have mine. My kids play with it and love it! I still have the Ewok figurines also.
Chris - January 17, 2010 - Report this comment
I owned that, too. Oh, did it ever get use! Holly, I'm glad your kids enjoy it, too! They missed out on our era.
Norberto - February 02, 2010 - Report this comment
I have 4 of them (I collect Star Wars toys). I also have the new version that came out for the Robin Hood movie in the early 90's. Great fun toy.
mike - March 24, 2010 - Report this comment
just visited in cardiff they have a massive collection of vintage star wars and a boxed ewok vilage very nice!
KorbinBlack - September 09, 2010 - Report this comment
I have the Ewok Village and the Robin hood Playset exact same except for some coloring and on the bottom of the tree the Licensing stamp...
Cool J - October 24, 2015 - Report this comment
This was my daughter's favorite toy. However, my husband gave it away to a younger family member when our daughter was in her teens--much to her disappointment. I would love to find an original one to give to my grandson (her son). Any suggestions where I can buy one?
Stephanie - August 31, 2020 - Report this comment
My cousins had this in their basement and I remember always going down there at any family functions just to play with this. I Loved it!

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