Toys of the Eighties, Flintstones playset
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A playset included green "stone" coins, small plastic dolls of all the flinstone characters and a small village to play with the dolls in. I remember the set being mostly green, white and orange.
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Rob Lambert - June 24, 2017 - Report this comment
I believe it's the Flintstone Kids playset being described here from 1987, made by Coleco. Based on the series in which Fred, Barney and the others were only nine years old. A "Captain Caveman & Son" cartoon was one segment, along with "Dino's (as a puppy) Dilemmas." Marx Toys made a playset in 1962, based on the original "Flintstones" series. There may have also been something based on the 1988 "Flintstones" movie with John Goodman and the B-52s redhead.

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