Toys of the Eighties, Nintendo
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Move over Atari. I've got something faster and neater now! The video game system with a robot and a gun, woo-wee.
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Pigmeister. - May 14, 2007 - Report this comment
This is the best thing that was ever invented! I rember watching my brother and sister play this for hours! (I wasn't very good myself) My favorite game of course had to be Super mario Bros. Donkey Kong was cool too.
Alice Hochhausler - May 19, 2007 - Report this comment
Patrick - May 28, 2007 - Report this comment
Nintendo was awsome. We would play Super Mario Bros for hours. Once Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior came out, I didn't get a lot of sleep.
Ashley - June 22, 2007 - Report this comment
I still have two of these and both work. We play with these things still! I love how only you can get yours to work and you have to blow the dust out of them.
Gab - June 26, 2007 - Report this comment
I got this for my birthday and woke up the nest day so excited that it was going to be hooked up- it already was and I had to wait my turn at Duck Hunt and Mario because my parents were playing. I still have it, but I've got one of those systems that hook up stright to the TV and it has Mario, Hogan's Alley, Donkey Kong and more on it. I miss Zelda though.
Scotty Still Plays - July 19, 2007 - Report this comment
Best game ever: Tecmo Super Bowl. That's right, the one with the guy in the NY Giants uniform on the cover. I still play it, and still play seasons. I've never known an NFL roster better than the 1991 roster. I know it by heart. I used to havbe to put band-aids on my left thumb because I pushed the directional pad so hard on those 70 yard rushes. Other greats: Ice Hockey, Punch-Out, and Super Mario 3.
Anthony - August 04, 2007 - Report this comment
Wow what can i say. the best invention ever! my mom had to hide the controlers because i wouldnt stop playing (but she didnt know that i had the POWER GLOVE my friend lent me he he )no mater what game i was playing it was truly some of the most fun times of my childhood
Kelly - August 30, 2007 - Report this comment
My big sister had a Nintendo and I'd play for hours when she was out with a friend or at work. I was always wishing she'd leave the house so I could play. LOL
krikit96 - September 01, 2007 - Report this comment
Still got it and about 10 working lil sisters boyfriend has about 50 games...
Anika - October 07, 2007 - Report this comment
We have NES with about 100 working games! I'm playing Super Mario Brothers 3! When Nintendo came out my mom had to decide "Nintendo or Microwave..." she chose nintendo.
Alana - October 12, 2007 - Report this comment
My boyfriend and I actually have my old NES, complete with gun and Power Pad, set up in our living room. It doesn't matter that we have all the latest gaming consoles like GameCube and PS2- when people come over they all want to play Super Mario Bros. and Punch-Out! Let me tell you, nothing beats a round of drunken Duck Hunt!!!
lena - November 14, 2007 - Report this comment
I had it and my friends came over to play. We loved this game! How could ya'll NOT mention Paperboy?!?
Matthew - November 21, 2007 - Report this comment
I loved this thing SO much. I'm gonna get it back from my folks so I can play Tetris, RBI, Legend of Zelda, and RC Pro Am again!!!
Miranda - November 30, 2007 - Report this comment
I still have my nintendo and it still works. my all time favorites were super mario brothers 3 and legend of zelda. i still play with them when i can manage it and im 27 right
Ashley H. - December 02, 2007 - Report this comment
My sister was the one who was given the original Nintendo system. She also was given the Super Nintendo system. Well, she lost interest, and I took over. I have kept them in good condition and collected and played with all the systems that have come out since including all of the Gameboys. Still waiting on the price of the Wii to go down, and i knwo that will be a while. I am a big Mario fan. LOVE MARIOKART!!
crista - January 18, 2008 - Report this comment
my mom still has our nintendo.
Tom - January 31, 2008 - Report this comment
What could be better than NES? The system that brought families together and all that good stuff... still got my nes and it works just fine... Power glove, NES Advantage (remember that?), grey and orange guns and the original controllers (Plus like 8 more from my friends)...Best game system ever!
Tony - February 05, 2008 - Report this comment
I was an avid subscriber to "nintendo power" magazine, I think i still have a few
mutilatedlips - February 10, 2008 - Report this comment
Does anybody remember the robot accessory that came with the nintendo? His name was ROB (robotic operated buddy) and he would stack blocks or drop spinning tops or something, matching the video game.
deez - February 20, 2008 - Report this comment
I totally still have mine, works perfectly! some of the games however don't...i love the N.E.S. I remember when we went to toys r us to get it.
Dan - March 02, 2008 - Report this comment
For me - the ultimate game was Legend of Zelda...and even Zelda II - oh man...that game taught me how to swear! I used to curse like nothing else, screaming at the television until my mom would come, LOCK the nintendo cabinet - for real - she had to LOCK IT with a combinatino lock (!!!) - i was sooo addicted.
Kwanita - May 13, 2008 - Report this comment
I had so much fun with my Ninendo. I loved duck hunt and Legend of Zelda. I wish that it still worked. I wonder if I can get it fixed.
Stephanie - May 20, 2008 - Report this comment
I still have mine. They look so old now compared to those "x-box" things! I wouldn't sell mine for anything!
Jango threat - June 02, 2008 - Report this comment
I got one at K-mart the first day they came out. When you bought it then it came with the robot. R.O.B. At least I think that's what he was called. I think it stood for Robot Of Boringness. It was supposed to be used for a game called Gyromite and their was one other I think it was called Stack up or Stack on, whatever. The only thing I used Robot Of Boringness for was to pick up my He-men, G.I. Joes, and Star wars guys. The system ruled though. When I first popped in Super Mario bros. I remember turning to my friend and saying, "How can graphics ever get better than this?
- - June 08, 2008 - Report this comment
I still have mine... it no longer works though. My cat thought it was her litter box and killed it. I go on online NES sites just to play the games because nothing can beat the classics. I want to buy another one though.
Garoltveki - June 20, 2008 - Report this comment
Still got my original console too. Along with 27 working games. The original console is on the fritz & only works part of the time. But my wife and I bought a GenNex system at Hastings for like $30.00 last year. It works better than the original and is hooked up alongside my PS2. How come no one has put a shout out for EXCITEBIKE, that game rocked. So did Double Dragon meets Battletoads.
tonya - July 08, 2008 - Report this comment
OMG! EXCITEBIKE! i was trying to remember the name of that game. me, my two older brothers, and my younger sister would play that and super mario brothers all the time! and duck hunt! double dragon! and we also had the super nintendo too. i still think those games and that console are the best. i dont play any of the new stuff.
Jen - July 15, 2008 - Report this comment
I still have my Nintendo Entertainment System, along with the gun for Duck Hunt and Clay Shooting! Also all 3 Marion Brothers games and Bubble Bobble!
amy r - August 22, 2008 - Report this comment
my husband collects games and stuff he has all this stuff he actually still has the virtaboy lol
Jennifer - August 24, 2008 - Report this comment
Hey I still have mine.
Stewie - September 06, 2008 - Report this comment
The old NES is an all time classic. All the Super Mario and Zelda games are classics as well. The arcade translations weren't bad. They came out with Donkey Kong, DK Jr., Popeye, Mario Bros. and even Donkey Kong 3 among many others. The only problem during the early days of NES was R.O.B. I never had one but heard everyone was confused and didn't understand how he worked. And there were only a couple games for him (Gyromite and Stack Up). And one thing about DK and DKJR I've always wondered about is how DKJR can have all 4 screens and DK only has 3 is beyond me.
Leanne - September 11, 2008 - Report this comment
The old nes is the best system ever made Super mario brothers Ducking and clay shootings. Best games ever maybe I should get mine back out. It still works.
Jacob - September 25, 2008 - Report this comment
Omg i like totally like doggies!!
Judd Nelson's Nostrls - October 05, 2008 - Report this comment
80sBaby - October 16, 2008 - Report this comment
My brother and I both still have our old Nintendo Entertainment Systems, and a whole lot of the games as well. It was such a big part of my childhood. So many happy hours were spent playing Mario, Contra, etc. I don't care how much more advanced new editions are, the original will always be the best to me. Having to blow dust out of the cartridges and bang on the console to get it play correctly were just part of the charm! lol.
val - November 21, 2008 - Report this comment
If they made it again Id buy it. It was my first system. I played mario bro 3 every morning before school to relax a bit before having to go to horrible school so I wouldent have a panic attack. i like the clay shooting more then the ducks.
Tony - November 24, 2008 - Report this comment
I have to say one of the best games was Techmo Bowl. We used to BET on Techmo Bowl games. Then after that, it was Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, and did anyone else remember games like Arch Rivals (basketball game), Double Dragon, Battletoads, and Street Fighter?
Robin - December 01, 2008 - Report this comment
This was the best Christmas present my brother ever received...Thanks Mom and Dad...I would sneak into my brother's room to play when he was at football practice. Loved to play Mario Brothers, Karate Kid, Jaws, Zelda, Speed Racer or Rad Racer (can't remember the name)
Kyleigh - December 07, 2008 - Report this comment
My big brother had a Nintendo a long time ago. He used to play Super Mario Brothers on it. I remember watching him play the game when I was little. Those were the days.
Mel - December 18, 2008 - Report this comment
I got a Nintendo in 1988 for Christmas. I had Excitebike, Duck Hunt, Mario Brothers (1,2& 3), and Zelda. I rented a lot of games and played friends'. My dad and I were obsessed with Mario Brothers, but to this day he never got passed the second to last level!
val - December 19, 2008 - Report this comment
I remember street fighter. My cousing had an xmen game that I later learned from a strange pastor who spoke at my HS was haunted. I dident know video games could be haunted. I rented some miscelaneous games but cant remember any.
Laura - January 07, 2009 - Report this comment
My friend had the Power Pad and I thought that was the coolest thing in the world!! Now that we have the Wii we can download old Nintendo games onto it..So I'm still playing Super Mario Brothers without pushing it down and popping it out, blowing on it, and watch the screen flicker.. although that was the fun of it wasn't it? haha
SDB - January 31, 2009 - Report this comment
Ended up with one about two years after they came out...favorite game before I bought it was Double Dribble because my buddy had it...after I got it, Super Mario Bros. ruled my video game world. Anybody else have the crappy Friday the 13th game? WOW..LOL
Jt62786 - February 20, 2009 - Report this comment
I use to have it, Suepr Mario.Super Mario 3, and paper Boy and Duck hunt, my brother played it at my cousin's house and at my house.
Jenny - April 05, 2009 - Report this comment
I still have mine. And I still love it...when I can get it to work, haha. And SDB, I still have Friday the 13th. And I loved Double Dribble!
Angelo - April 24, 2009 - Report this comment
This console was great. I would play mine for hours at a time with no sleep on the weekends! We used to have double dribble tournaments all weekend. It took me awhile to inform my friends of the 2nd controller cheat(top left, you can make three pointers all day!). And who could forget metroid?
JON C - May 05, 2009 - Report this comment
remember how you had to blow on the games? or was it just us?
Ry guy - May 14, 2009 - Report this comment
mario is the bomb
Lisa - May 22, 2009 - Report this comment
I just got another one and I can't get the darn thing to play the game, pink screen keeps coming up. I've blowed in it and everything and it's not working and even cleaned it with alcohol and still no luck. I want to play this game...I loved these old games....Someone please tell me how to make it work right. Thanks!!!
j - July 02, 2009 - Report this comment
this is straight memories,i remember the gun!
Samantha - July 30, 2009 - Report this comment
My Dad bought one when he was thirty and I play games with my sis. We have Dr. Mario, Super Mario/ Duck Hunt, Bases Loaded, Jeopardy, Hogan's Alley, and Duck Tales.
missmidie - July 31, 2009 - Report this comment
I grew up a Nintendo kid. We still have all the systems they made (even Wii) except Game Cube as Wii can play it's games. My favorite has always been Zelda but I loved 80's Wizards and Warriors...easy to beat the whole game in a day. I still enjoy firing up the NES and playing a lot of the oldies...and they all still work. YEAH!!
Karen - August 12, 2009 - Report this comment
LISA- All you have to do is pop the game in, and wiggle it back and forth and press reset and it works pretty quickly. This re-aligns the pins in the game console. I remember almost passing out trying to blow into the games before I found the above mentioned trick. Also, compressed air works good too, for cleaning the inside out.
shelivade - August 31, 2009 - Report this comment
I got the newer version in the early 90's, not the SNES but the original with a new design. The SNES destroys it on all levels but the NES will always have a special place in a gamers heart.
Jennifer - September 03, 2009 - Report this comment
i still have my nentendo. used to play that thing till i had blisters on my thumbs.
Jeremy H - September 16, 2009 - Report this comment
This was the second system to further my gaming addiction lol, and it's only gotten better :D
Jennifer - October 13, 2009 - Report this comment
Anyone who had the NES probably holds it as one of their best play memories (even if you never beat a single game). Don't you still remember when you saw it for the first time? I still remember how awesome the Power Pad was-the forefront of technology! Man! Virtual reality was upon us!)-until my dog chewed it up the second week we had it. Still remember how awesome the NES Advantage (the turbo joystick controller) was, and how much I wanted the robot. (Apparently, since there were less than three games for it, it's no big loss.) And hey, some of those games are still hard today!! NO ONE WINS AT 'LEGENDARY WINGS'!! Thanks, Nintendo.
Damon - November 03, 2009 - Report this comment
Great memories. Got my NES in '89. I was on that thing day and night. I still remember when I fought and beat Mike Tyson on Mike Tyson's Punchout. I even remember the cheat code for Contra(UP UP Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start). I truly miss those carefree days when all I did was go to school and come home and jump on the NES. As a matter of fact, I don't even remember ever doing homework, that's how much I played the NES.
Patrick - December 07, 2009 - Report this comment
Great picture btw, that was my reaction when my mom bought me my first NES. Mario 3 still the greatest game ever.
Abby - December 18, 2009 - Report this comment
I wasn't super obsessed with video games, but until the wii came along, the original nintendo was unmatched by any other video game in my mind. We absolutely loved the power pad, and you could get exercise too! I also remember banging the gun against the tv when playing duck hunt and how the stupid dog would mock you if you missed.. lol
Rosie - December 29, 2009 - Report this comment
My Dad surprised me with my NES in 1989, for my 6th birthday. Best present ever! I was the only kid in the neighborhood with one, so I became instantly popular with the boys, haha! There were games we all enjoyed in our family. My favorite games were the Mario ones, especially Super Mario 2 and 3. My Mom played Tetris until her thumbs got all callused, and my Dad played Duck Hunt the most.
frozenwall - January 10, 2010 - Report this comment
we were the first in the neighborhood as well to get one. amazing! does anyone remember the game where you fed a blob colored jelly beans and it would turn into whatever you need? i think it was called the boy and his blob but not sure...loved that game.
Cionn - January 25, 2010 - Report this comment
I think my sister and I were the only ones with this game on the block. Played it ALL night. It finally broke in 2000.
Aaron - February 03, 2010 - Report this comment
To frozenwall - The game was "a Boy and hsi Blob" and they've brought it back for the Wii now, all new game! Anyway, video games, and maybe toys in general wouldn't be what they are without the Nintendo Entertainment System. Do any of you have parents or someone you know that still call video games "the Nintendo"? It's like saying I'll take a coke when it's any kind of Cola. So many games, it ruled the neighborhood. The picture was my reaction as well. My older brother got it for me, he was the best. I'm still a fan, and the whole family still plays my original. Hard to imagine a 25 year old system still works, but it does. My son is now a Mega Man addict..
BAJA CAPITAN - February 12, 2010 - Report this comment
Joy - February 13, 2010 - Report this comment
I still have a nintendo in great working condition. Have Mario 1, 2 and 3 and a wrestling game.
nicole - March 10, 2010 - Report this comment
I loved my nintendo system an I played it all the time all the games like contra an mario an duck hut an many more that I loved an I hate I don't have my game anymore but just sitting here readin these stories brought back so of my thought of the things I did play with back in the days
cam - May 05, 2010 - Report this comment
anyone remember the very first nintendo handheld games? they were just basic lcd screens and a few buttons, i think king kong was one of the games
D. - June 18, 2010 - Report this comment
Jon C. trust me you weren't the only ones that had to blow on the games. (LOL) Everyone that I knew had to blow on them, I want to know who came up with that concept of blowing on the games. I traded my Sega for it & wished that I didn't! Oh well !!!
E.Rich - July 15, 2010 - Report this comment
I still have my NES and a handful of working games, the first game my parents bought me was friday the 13th by far the hardest game to beat. But it's still cool to play
Toys nowadays suck - August 14, 2010 - Report this comment
First off I have been on this site for many good memories. I remember christmas time opening up a NES system with the robot (and game you could play w/ it, Gyromite) and duckhunt. I remember it did not come with Super Mario Bros. so I had my mom take me to KB toys and buy it. I was a spoiled little sh*t back then glad I didn't turn out to be a d-bag adult.I digress.I also remember sending in a card that came with the NES for a free issue (the 1st issue) of Nintendo Power magazine w/ Mario on the cover. I had around 50 games with the clear plastic (and soem in clear blue) cases withn the Nintendo logo. Favorite controller was the NES max even though I had the NES advantage joystick. Many hours of sore thumbs ;)
Shawn Freeman - September 14, 2010 - Report this comment
The Nintendo entretainment system was the gold standard of home game systems. It may not have been first but , it was superior to Atari and Camadore systems. Better graphics, better game selections and better controllers- end of story!
Shannon - January 25, 2011 - Report this comment
My cousin had this console. I loved to play Excitebike and Spyhunter.
Sukey - March 11, 2011 - Report this comment
Loved the NES- still do. I had my system refurbished in 2000, but started not to work again. I started cleaning my games regularly with warm water\alcohol mix and storing them in plastic containers. The NES cleaning kit helps to an extent. I found a system on ebay called FC Twin- it has slot for NES and SNES games- I love it, but the only downfall is that you can't use the zapper gun with it. There's also one with Sega and NES combined- called the GN Twin.
jason - July 07, 2011 - Report this comment
Who remembers pro wrestling? King Slender, the Amazon, ect. Also Double Dribble, the guy at the start of the game sounds like he says Double Dwipple. Stayed up all night playing Gradius while listening to Boston
Greg - August 06, 2012 - Report this comment
I remember my younger days when I was 11 in Christmas '89 I wanted a nintendo system for christmas and I was so excitied to get one and played super mario bros for hours then duck hunt with the zapper gun! Then I experience playing other games like super mario bros 2 & 3 then ninja gaiden,three stooges,contra,TMNT,and mission impossible. I mean as time went by with nintendo games I use to go to my friends house and play a lot of games and have fun playing them even after school lol I missed those days playing nintendo til super nintendo came out I didn't get one til I was 15 and played super mario world.
David - August 14, 2012 - Report this comment
The many games I remember playing on NES back then. I wish it was still around...everything, the console, the games, the controllers...everything. I'll try and list as many games as I can remember playing. Some may be games from the 90s as well. Anticipation Batman Battleship Bubble Bobble Cybernoid Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr. Duck Hunt Excitebike Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge Golf Jurassic Park The Legend of Zelda Lode Runner Mario Bros. Pac-Man Pinball R.C. Pro-Am Raid On Bungeling Bay Star Wars Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA version) Super Mario Bros. 3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tetris
Brian - November 05, 2012 - Report this comment
One of the best systems around. Have very fond memories to many to list. I have plenty of games and systems. If anyone wants one let me know. I have been fixing these for 18 years. I will make it so you no longer have to blow in the cartridges and the red light won't blink. Just e-mail me
jm - April 11, 2013 - Report this comment
Track and Field was awesome. Rubbing my fingers back and forth from A button to B button was a killer.... until, we found objects in our room that we could quickly slide back and forth across the buttons ( i.e. pens, spoons, kodiak tins)............. Usain Bolt who? our Olympics became very heated events. We seriously kept world records and medal counts. My friend held the world record in the 100 yard dash................ until one late night, two years later, after a few too many beverages, I did the impossible and set a new world mark. My friend was right there watching and could not believe it.............. It was the greatest moment in Nintendo sports history! I got high fives from the entire room. Two days later, my friend recaptured the world mark.
Lyndsay - May 19, 2014 - Report this comment
I use to have this at home. Super Mario Super Mario 3 and paper boy thats all I rmeebered
Brandon Reina - January 10, 2017 - Report this comment
I still have my Nintendo Entertainment System with me. I have a lot of NES games - Anticipation, 10-Yard Fight, Barbie, Bubble Bobble, California Games, Deadly Towers, Duck Hunt, Lemmings, Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf, Urban Champion, Wrecking Crew, Super Mario, Super Mario 2 (USA version), Super Mario 3, Pictionary, Kung Fu, Gyromite, Pinball, Metroid, Mach Rider, Top Gun and most of all: Win, Lose or Draw (based off the #1 TV game show of the same name). I'll be getting DuckTales, Contra, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sesame Street and other NES games as much as the Wii version of Grease.

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